Stepping Off the Merry Go Round

How was I to suspect
That I, myself,
Was that Flemish Unicorn
Tagged by Donkey’s tail
To be set center stage
Inside the cracked mirror
Of this sick world’s
For the dark one’s tale
Whether he be Michael
Momus or S. is so beyond
Any point of care, worry, time
For they all carry the same funk
Of the Narwhal, yes the Nar-
Whal which, like Santa Claus
Is known to emerge from Arctic waters.

Through History’s fabricated book
They’ve taken me
On quite the Tilt-a-Whirl
And yet despite Coney’s crying lot
Of ride-at-your-own-risk thrills
I have not faded and like Venus
From the ashes (read ‘Phoenix’
read ‘Eagle’ read ‘the Scorpion’
of Greek tale) I will keep shining bright
And that’s with a Y to with one hand
Snuff down the ring of their Ringling
Brothers (read Duffy) Hell-bound Circus


Now read this


circles & squares or perfect dots on a blank white sheet during the drought a storm cloud turned green & dropped a mean coconut killing a ken doll in the process his beautiful arms I took off & painted aqua mailed to my... Continue →