The Siren

Surely Noah squibbed out the flr pln
not only for the Titanic but the ivy-
glass tower that like Adam was pining
for a twin to spring from his very own rib.

It’s that snake of copper that now fears
the very rapture which will shuck and quarter
his very own skin … Meanwhile, that ah-
ha moment that like Tesla’s bottle of lightning

Smith’s still trying to capture as if the jar might scan
as in fax the fuck into Neo’s pink patch of turf.
Too bad, too bad; Smith finds himself beamed

into the raunch stomach of this eagle in which
the owl doesn’t grant favor and so as with the mouse
Smith’s lizard-green bones are to be picked into dust.


Now read this

THE LEAK, after Francis Alÿs

I will walk in a city. I will walk In a city Over & over Over The course of 7 months, each day Feeling the inner warmth of pain As it breaks the ice of every muscle Walking through photographs and notes Of Doc Holliday, Bill and Grat... Continue →