The Distinguished Waltz of the Disabused, Crumpled Man–for You

When did you stop to answer
The echo of her heart
When did you let the cankered root
Of her name rip like a rotten tooth
That you chained to a piece of floss–

As once you listened for the faint shadow
Or rumor of voice to step from some fairytale
Into the low tide of night like the daughter
Of Death, to steal your sad tooth, leaving
Her token of copper or brass for you to spend

Too fast The moment she shut the door
And you took that first infant step to no place
Two flights down without end–no moment
For beginning to wait and not believe
But, feeling her shadow pulse through your

Bones, know the door to what you used
To call home would never shut on you again


Now read this

There Is no Escaping Donald Trump

To step outside of it is no more possible than for a fish to walk on shore, and enter The Flintstones. There is no other world, besides the next rerun to carry your work to a successful conclusion. Or Step by Step to crown it all after a... Continue →