Though having scrounged belief
from the copper lance by which
I was speared by some brown-
eyed cousin but then so spared
of Death’s sharp trident and grace-filled harp,
it now dawns like the nose-bleed of this last
dusk-til-dawn for which a chin-upped Cherokee
sings out however much less, the more off key
from Appalachia, sings out the self-same ‘blue-
ridge light of hallelujah,’ the self-same ‘blue-
ridged, copped hallelujah’ that throws all
the way fucking back to some (yeah) tossed
and scrabbled tribe of Israel, which I swear–
with my crooked left pinkie finger–weds
some timeless source of not ‘tic-tok,’ but time-travel.
The Chinese digging their next hole to (yes) Oz
with yet another gas-fed hog
not to take
another slithery hack beneath America’s vault.
Well then, not...