Christmas Is Coming

Picture the sky as it carefully shaves off
Its beard, dresses and leaves the house
With a rock tied to its foot, a lump of coal
Burning a rabbit’s hole through its pocket.
Perhaps the super-psychologists will give the princess
In the vat thoughts of whether floating in a fish tank
Of top hats is possible, or the experience of reading
This grim fairy tale that radically pictures such as possible.
With amplifier on, the turntable spins the record
Of a red stylus moving around the yellow door
Of the black cat’s popped eye, the black cat’s
Popped eye through which Tesla returns home,
Dropping (Ja!—) a coconut.
The above line(s) of reasoning may or may not
Stretch too far to form the thin rubber-band prop-
osition of the drunk floating in a bar who does
Not know he is not there, blinking at this tele-
Vision set, where (inside) we find the same serpent
With its own tail in its mouth.
Thus we have Freud’s obstreperous anal and oral
Exam for which we have no holy Qua-Qua-Qua
Oops, something went wrong in the oof of…
Now where does that leave us?


Now read this

The Magwitch & Pip

The horse swallows a bee. The elephant the retired rogue. Down the cobble-stoned road Back beyond the High Bridge docks, Where the faint trace of sonicality Wends out purple to blue flames From Sonic the HedgeHog’s Jumpman shoes. A... Continue →