
Though having scrounged belief
from the copper lance by which
I was speared by some brown-
eyed cousin but then so spared

of Death’s sharp trident and grace-filled harp,
it now dawns like the nose-bleed of this last
dusk-til-dawn for which a chin-upped Cherokee

sings out however much less, the more off key
from Appalachia, sings out the self-same ‘blue-
ridge light of hallelujah,’ the self-same ‘blue-
ridged, copped hallelujah’ that throws all

the way fucking back to some (yeah) tossed
and scrabbled tribe of Israel, which I swear–
with my crooked left pinkie finger–weds

some timeless source of not ‘tic-tok,’ but time-travel.


The Chinese digging their next hole to (yes) Oz
with yet another gas-fed hog
not to take
another slithery hack beneath America’s vault.

Well then, not exactly.


This while the blood-tinged Royal Reptilian Monarchs
are swinging back the hammer and (JA) straight up
to my only dean-dome out of which might they pour
some Earl Grey Tea? Meanwhile, it’s your boy-wonder:
quite lit–as now that Lucifer, that Prometheus, that Hermes,
that Φιλιππίδης, that bird-chested Icarus with the lost pipe
of Peter Pan as he glides up for another waxed feather-ride
game of go, chasing (and you’re going to love this little death)
Baal with his mask of Momus all the the the way back through
the double-wide exposure and delta-ray burst of the fucking Sun […]


Now read this

The Distinguished Waltz of the Disabused, Crumpled Man–for You

When did you stop to answer The echo of her heart When did you let the cankered root Of her name rip like a rotten tooth That you chained to a piece of floss– As once you listened for the faint shadow Or rumor of voice to step from some... Continue →