On Serving Time

From time to time, a cliche slipped out
Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei.
Literally, everything has an end,
Only the sausage has two, meaning
Comparing pears to oranges
To get hot water in the artichoke’s kitchen
Where I slept most nights
Viewing the radishes from below

Yes. From time to time
Wo sich die Füchse gute Nacht sagen
In the middle of nowhere
Scratching the back of the beyond
Where the foxes say goodnight
And dogs poke at the beehive

Anyway, keep your fingers crossed
Our silence will be commandeered
By a phone call through which
Little Hans interrupts with dirty lines–
Literally. Wenn man dem Teufel
den kleinen Finger gibt
so nimmt er die ganze Hand.

If you offer the devil a finger, She’ll take the whole hand


Now read this


Between some freshly-laid piss and vomit from some 'china girl' or 'odradek,' he collapses or more accurately 'subsides' after tracing a penta-grammed ridgeline of ashes and stardust; right off the porcelain lid, shattering Corporal... Continue →