Your Title Here

How do we get off the eye-glazed treadmill
of decay? In lieu of titty-showers and ta-
rantula breath, keep the change you filthy

But I won’t go there. The nosebleed carriage
of the Wonder Wheel. At Midnight it dawns.
Bring a pumpkin that we’ll drop & watch smash

on one of those Russian spooks who go hunting
for sea-turtles on Brighton Beach. How about
that? Trained beasts without harness buckles

the planet has thus far borne under force
of glaciers with no possibility of sound.
The ruin of a titanic race. Once long shrunk.

From this height? No life through a mirror.
Limp, even brief arctic flowers dwindle–
from our bare dreams, trapped abruptions

on growths, ulcers, broken-heart disease, vari-
cose veins and other malignant deficiencies.
Inenarrable Indian sign n syn hex. hoodoo,

whammy, JINX to INDICATE. Point. Hint. Imply.
Suggest; announce, bespeak the telltale ink
that, empyreal, ought to oust, bereave; divest the

particle n syn atom. crumb. doit. dram. drop.
Minim and mittal those rare anticline striations,
so matchless-ly intense. 7-billion human beings

each and every day wipe their ass. So precious
is sanity that sanitation mustn’t dare to dream
or case itself as more or less value. The glory.

The concrete. Jungle. Fear. Death’s climax
was a dream of God, so enchanted one cannot
avoid or dilute. I digress. Again. Disheartened

as the 2003 film of vicious punk rock unwraps
impatiently. A Mr5. Doubtfire plot!–just play along,
please. Another Elvis Presley hit. Sound of sawbucks

from the violin holders on the never-before-seen
bench. Disheartened, just play along. Please?
Like your Spaghetti dish was served with wasabi.

And when you’re finished, don’t forget to exclaim,
Taste just like a slice of history of the One-eyed
Norse god; Never-before-seen at a dinner party.


Now read this

What the Gypsies Told My Grandfather After a So-Called Fragrant Month of Quarantine

‘War, illness, and (yes) famine’ sleep in the same bloody suit- case that late last night I tied to a rope and left hanging above midnight’s loud, diminished stroke, on the balcony where still there are a few gun salutes and rooster... Continue →