The Way Bushwick Was

The evening’s snare of drum
Merely were the neighbor-
hood’s gun shots accompanying
The spring of 6x6’s board
Which was a plank for some
Above Maria Hernandez Park
Off Knickerbocker & Starr
Where Dorothy’s tornado
Touched down with a ‘heehaw’
Leaving an unmarked car
On the seesaw The next morning
Terry might have spiked
His alarm clock A late night
Giving to the harsh wine and spliff-
fog of sunrise whereat the sausage
Seller was pinched pushing his push-
cart while whistling to the dogs and birds,
Communicating something like “oh boy!–

Have I got a prize.”


Now read this


Between some freshly-laid piss and vomit from some 'china girl' or 'odradek,' he collapses or more accurately 'subsides' after tracing a penta-grammed ridgeline of ashes and stardust; right off the porcelain lid, shattering Corporal... Continue →