The Lady at Her Toilet

The Lady at her toilet
Is talking to a fly

Her edenic soil refuses
To labor out into post-

Modernism’s fountain
Of life which is mostly

Urine–the color
Of sunrise

After death more toil more life
Each and every monostitch en-

Tails a running joke, a missing line


2021 November 9th
Off the calendar

She scratches first

With nickel then with dime
The heads of Einsenhovver

Of Lincoln gleam
Then glimmer

Like a jar
Of moonshine

The waxy smile of Mickey Mouse


The silent craft of Old Timer
Still is being fulfilled

November 9th

In township
of Sir Isaac Newton

A golden delicious apple
Falls from tree

And, after hitting its head,
Marches up seven hills

Then another one
Training for Marathon


November 9th

In township
Of Sir Isaac Newton

Ann Sexton bawls
At umbilical’s snip

Trumpeting and trumpeting
The stock market’s crash

To Ground Zero
The hour-

Glass cracks
The sand

Of Satan spills
And yet fails

To buffer the time-
Travelers’ swan dive

Who’ve felt the cosmic tap-tap
Of rapture–back after Death

Serving Life


Now read this


Chapters of my life. I watch them pass as leaves break Through the avenues of wind That wash over the Harlem. Who are you that have extinguished the light Of what I have come to seek? Heat collects on the wasted vines of the wild grape,... Continue →