
I have come out of the naked house
Whose hours and doors
Are infinite and open and shut
As the palm of One’s hand.

I have come out of the naked house
Whose forsaken arms are the corridors
Wherein I–in coat of stained mail–
Lumber dizzily, stalking a nutshell.

I have come out of the naked house
Whose closets and attic space
Are bare yellow cavities in which

I count myself in this very ditch.
Without suitcase. The tall,
Fragile pawn of infinite space.


Now read this

The Distinguished Waltz of the Disabused, Crumpled Man–for You

When did you stop to answer The echo of her heart When did you let the cankered root Of her name rip like a rotten tooth That you chained to a piece of floss– As once you listened for the faint shadow Or rumor of voice to step from some... Continue →