The Character in a Soap Opera Who Excited My Sympathy

The whole Island of Italy had set
out to write me poems of tragedy
& reversals of fortune, not one which
was worth reading in the lowest wreckage
or highest reach of my despondency.

I stomped on my golden cape and tore off
my salt-rusted crown, and ludicrously
wept into the Caspian Sea, praying
for an unfathomable act of cruel,
natural disaster that the gods might

deliver. Surely, my roughshod partition
required, had had to come with some type
of contract for me to shoehorn or, atleast,
scribble upon in this time of ruin,

but nay, nay!– … only this unfortunate for-
tune broken from the nautilus shell of a cookie:
Concerning how much your rucksack shall weigh, measure the weight of
A camel dragging a sandcastle of bricks by his tail, into the world beneath.


Now read this

The Magwitch & Pip

The horse swallows a bee. The elephant the retired rogue. Down the cobble-stoned road Back beyond the High Bridge docks, Where the faint trace of sonicality Wends out purple to blue flames From Sonic the HedgeHog’s Jumpman shoes. A... Continue →