Those lovely years like the gin-soaked
floors of our rent-stabilized dream
remain as they fell,
having crushed whatever was made
in between.

I keep a crumpled trace of you sprawled
across the bed, which we kept holding
together with some glue
and nails, etching into a copper plate
the conjoined pain

of Chang and Eng–who, like us, lived life
in a bunker of glass
that, three stories up,
was constantly on display
as if for the world to watch us break.


Now read this

Sonnet in which Angels Do Not Age, Neither Do Clouds

A folk tale of rook-pecked corpses and rusty bicycles For which the pink elastic strings of the fable’s bikini Has been washed too many times Like laying A flaming palm branch of donkey shit at your door After S– stood you up twice for... Continue →