Stick it in the safe!–
That much I get,
seeing how my life
has become an empty
boat tied to the bank.

A river always leads
to an uninhabitable place–
A palace; some of then yellow,
some of them red
with a few gold nuggets.

He promised to select
the one marigold on the margins
of an empty hallway,
below that staircase
that no one can’t imagine.


A trap door is only a trap
door if you don’t know
where to place it.

Otherwise, it’s a Lincoln-log
ride on which you throw up

your funnel cake.
From the factory bleachers,
Balloons of bleach
take out a table of paper cups
& plastic plates, where the high-

school mascot nods off the latest cure
from the pharmacy, begging
for a slap. Meanwhile, I remain
unreal from where the buck-
teeth of my enemies haplessly

endure, reduced by paper-
clips to splinters and tooth-
picks, which I, mercifully,
will shove up their ass.
Hear the echo?


Now read this

Last Supper

Raised from the smutty toaster of death … . At Five A.M., already drinking stale beer With Lucifer’s sunny switchblade at your throat While the neighbor with the bad cough Jumps rope at the humming edge of the world … . I should have... Continue →