
It’s in the country of the lime
that Judas (once again) plants
the coin with the face of Μῶμος
far ahead of this date where the sky’s

a smooth-tinted sheet of glass,
where so much from the fun house
now spins out of its straw, falling–
all these charred scarecrows

and burned-up clowns, freakish
and tearfully dwn the mud-pit
to endlessly drain, crying of 49

that self-same lot.
While you might have already donne
the math, the plot thickens

for (yeah) this fatal clot.


Now read this

Shadow of the Dice

Exposed to the seizing against the vice of seconds that grips with the indifference of a wrench I find the emergence of death- in-this-life less disturbing, an achievement of some short distance. Here, in the inextricable part of routine... Continue →