
What is above, what is beneath
What is before, what comes after
The aftermath of the aftermath
Doesn’t add up


For Aristotle rest was the natural state
As with pickle in jar
A genie in Pandora’s for-
Bidden Applegate box


After the end of each and every book, Hark!–
The disquiet the silence of the extra page’s scroll


Diplomats are losing their marbles
Rulers are mounting their Everests
Without clothes to recite (Hallelujah!)
Another speech they never wrote


Along the new river of De Nile
Pharaoh subpoenas Yosef

To transcribe to spell out
To decipher The Hunting

Of Snark, its blank map
Of permafrost, of implied

question marks: where there’s no X
There’s no point, there’s no plot

There’s no fun


Pharaoh is foaming
Pharaoh is furious
To melting point
Of (well) frumious


The O in worry
Rolls back
To ground zero
Of Humpty Dumpty

Sometimes the bowsprit
Mixes for rudder of a ship
As Abel was mistaken for Cain
Michael for Lucifer–the naughty list

Goes on, the naughty list
Goes on, the naughty list
Goes on Just ask all the
King’s horses All the King’s



That Momus came as Santa Clause
But shifted to Butcher to Baker
Whenever Beaver was in earshot
Merely scratches the surface

The surface on which for tyranny
The Swan glides
On top tide
Of open-m.i.c. Rapture


They’ve scrambled the jets
They’ve scrambled the Ajax
Their Panhard Crabs
Their F-35s & Mark 8 Seals

Because it is what it is
Because it is what it is
Hark I’ve said it twice
This is shadow of dice


Two plus two equals V
It is what it is until it’s not
Project Bluebook
Project Bluebeam

Just where does all the money go?–
Into the asshole of Mickey Mouse


The X-files are missing their paperclips
Whoever filched them left
One nickel Two dimes
A naked action figure from Return of the Jedi


Look at the book bloody & pierced
On the cross
The seven seals locked in his eye
Take a spoon to it and you will reap

You will reap the jaws of THOTH’s crocodile


Now read this

What the Gypsies Told My Grandfather After a So-Called Fragrant Month of Quarantine

‘War, illness, and (yes) famine’ sleep in the same bloody suit- case that late last night I tied to a rope and left hanging above midnight’s loud, diminished stroke, on the balcony where still there are a few gun salutes and rooster... Continue →