The impossible wall clock
of my grandfather (Dalton)
somehow doing time
lodged in the idle hall
that runs a crooked parallel
between left and right ear
its pendulum hum serving
as sway of death’s scythe
a prelude for Lilith’s lullaby

as from my Washington Heights crib
I held my mother’s yellow frying pan
like a teddy bear snug to my breast
feeling the bird as she stirred from
hollow focal point of my bird chest
eager to dive into the sulfer-bred
gulch of (yeah yeah yeah) the ninth



Now read this

Candide, or Optimism

The appetites of seven heroes splayed, dis- emboweled in a last, eighth fit of agony. Girls, crippled by wounds, spit blood upon the ground’s swell of arms, legs, and the breast-stained brains of dead villagers. Candide watched a monkey... Continue →