That the Cyclops drowned with the dwarves
7 white orcs Donne in by the same Tesla strike
From height of melting glacier, the secret fell
Inside a rotten nutshell to the people of Tlön
And Thoth: I have said things, Kurz und bös,
That orbit: perhaps ‘so fucked up’ as that Ash-
eville princess But more about Hawaii’s beaches
And the somethings that bore me & nursed me–
Some preached Baptism & Fire, others presented
Their license and black cards of entitlement;
A heap of stones they made and made me wait
As greed and dope and glut can be inhibiting
There were some to point out Borges’ collected works,
Making prominent “the verdigris’d and mutilated torso
Of a king.” What I took for something akin to ‘Lionheart’
I’ve got the feeling of flattened sardines
For which a better man would set out
For a bottle of Pepto Bismal
Only to take the oops of a shit
On the sidewalk
Vita Brevis, this so-called life
Where my everyday is an ‘air-bath’
Once again, the whole entire world
Is falling into what classrooms taught
For once-upon-a-time and perhaps
You are like a parrot re-spouting
As Hoffman writes, “things [back]
The way you’ve heard them said.”
If I’m going to be honest, we’ll be
Here tomorrow and the day before
And after that–intact with the numinous