Boy in the Wood

As to be invisible
The hours escape
Block after block
Of pop-up books
Filled with Ikea
Blu-ray, Hi-def
The high digital
Dog whistle hum
Of Alphabet
Meta, Amazon

They’ve cleared
The rain forest
And fracked
The camel’s hump
To plant the world
In a looped hour-
glass that the Great
Mystery (far out)
Has dealt for me

To smash and punish
Any block of chains
Or bit of torrent
Which might double
The bet of MIK’s tosh
Being surplussed
From the mite-infested


Now as these water-bugs
Spill and give way from flood–
From this tall rain cloud
That is so far beyond
Compute of the black
Budget of S.‘s five-
hundred gallon thumb


For which these cow-
ards are so prone
To wink and sink
Their hooklines yet they
Fail to squash our kind
Hearts for their own sick

Thanksgiving joke.


Now read this

FAMOUS POET after Ted Hughes

The day my book of poems set to print, the entire world bought a red pack of Marlboros or put on their favorite black lipstick. Some might have kissed their wives. Then climbed into a hole without the dog, a couple machines, a few... Continue →