Between some freshly-laid piss
   and vomit from some 'china girl'
   or 'odradek,' he collapses or more 

   accurately 'subsides' after tracing 
   a penta-grammed ridgeline 
   of ashes and stardust; right off 
   the porcelain lid, shattering Corporal 

   Clegg's floccinaucinihilipilification-
   nous wooden leg.  Off the bath-
   room floor, 
   Boswell hums the abysmal 

   name of the rose, and begins 
   to confess to 'swallowing 
   a bomb' 
   inside *The Bahnhof Zoo*, 

   the yellow to orange submarine 
   in which Boswell mindfully lifts 
   out from the fog of some unspeakable 

   at the bottom of the sea, ribbiting like a bullfrog 
   next to Aleister Crowley, atop a blue whale's stiff corse.  

Now read this

The Distinguished Waltz of the Disabused, Crumpled Man–for You

When did you stop to answer The echo of her heart When did you let the cankered root Of her name rip like a rotten tooth That you chained to a piece of floss– As once you listened for the faint shadow Or rumor of voice to step from some... Continue →