The moment you were born
A milk-white saucer fell from the sky,
Shattering 1st Base.
All the Saints came tumbling in from the Heavens,
All the Martyrs picked up a wrench
And so screwed their heads back on.

The moment you were born
A penguin marched off a shelf of ice
And so to its merry death,
A camel needled itself through the eye
Of a straw,
Breaking its back.

The moment you were born
Elvis was spotted in Deer Skin Leggings,
Walking into a SuperMart.
Lucifer quit his job
And so entered this wreck of a world
As all 10 pounds of you, Baby Blue!


Now read this

THE LEAK, after Francis Alÿs

I will walk in a city. I will walk In a city Over & over Over The course of 7 months, each day Feeling the inner warmth of pain As it breaks the ice of every muscle Walking through photographs and notes Of Doc Holliday, Bill and Grat... Continue →