Last night I wrote a love letter to Gregor Samsa and this morning
Can’t you imagine the instant thanks I get? Waking up the ball-
Less alligator in a coy pond. My daughter was milking the neigh-
Borhood cow, and I don’t even have a fucking daughter. What
I have? Boatloads and Yachtworths of pills–pink, red, orange, in-
Digo–to take. Last night I wrote a love letter to Gregor Samsa
And this morning I find myself on every damn page of the Guin-
Ness Book of World Records. God Damnit, I go by many names.
Ask my wife–fucktard bitch, fallen psychopath fly, swat-head

                                                                                    Take your snack! 

Now read this


Out from beneath the red eye of some whirlwind’s squall Of (yes) dandelions and ballerinas, I found myself, yet again, Cracked bright by that religious instant If not needled out of the sunlight’s squint–spit quite Beyond the semblance... Continue →